React Tutorials - Quotes App -104- DRY Principle

What is DRY?

DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) is a fundamental principle of software development that aims to reduce code duplication by extracting repeated code into reusable components.

Implementing DRY in our Quotes App

We noticed that both the Home Page and Quotes Page use identical code to render quotes. Let’s refactor this duplicate code into a reusable Quote component.

Creating the Quote Component

  1. Create a new file Quote.jsx in the components folder
  2. Add the following code:
interface QuoteType {
  _id: string;
  quote: string;
  author: string;

interface QuoteProps {
  quote: QuoteType;

function Quote({ quote }: QuoteProps) {
  return (
    <div className="card mt-3">
      <div className="card-body">
        <blockquote className="blockquote mb-0">
          <footer className="blockquote-footer mt-2">{}</footer>

export default Quote
  1. Update QuotePage.jsx to use the new component:
{ => (
  <Quote quote={quote} key={quote._id} />
  1. Update HomePage.jsx to use the same component:
<Quote quote={quoteOfDay} />

Configure Route Parameters

  1. Update App.tsx to handle author-specific routes:
<Route path="/quotes" element={<QuotePage />} />
<Route path="/quotes/:author" element={<QuotePage />} />
  1. Modify AuthorPage.tsx to create author links:
<Link to={`/quotes?author=${encodeURIComponent(author)}`}>
  1. Update QuotePage.tsx to handle author-specific quotes:
import { useSearchParams } from 'react-router-dom';

export default function QuotePage() {
    const [searchParams] = useSearchParams();
    const author = searchParams.get('author');
  // Filter quotes if author parameter exists
  const displayedQuotes = author 
    ? quotes.filter(q => === decodeURIComponent(author))
    : quotes;
  return (
    // ... existing JSX using displayedQuotes

Project Structure After Changes

├── components/
│   └── Quote.tsx       # New reusable quote component
├── pages/
│   ├── HomePage.tsx    # Updated to use Quote component
│   ├── QuotePage.tsx   # Updated to use Quote component
│   └── AuthorPage.tsx  # Updated with author links
└── App.tsx            # Updated with new routes

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